By the beach of life

Life has no shores,

Man finds not a safe Port.

Life slides by, and we pass…


Many poets, and writers, have described life as a river, a mere stream coming down a mountain, going through placid valleys, and dying by the Sea.

Also I should add, along the way it picks all kinds of things, too many to even remember all, and a recollection of memories who define who we are, what we did, and where we end…

A past that, if well spent, will bring a modicum of satisfaction, to some many regrets, but if it brings us a little bit of Wisdom, then life it’s well worth.

A River comes into the Sea

You ask many men, or women of some age, what they think of life, their response will be as varied as their experience.

Where I am from, we like to say, people’s opinion of the fair, they went to try their luck, or skills in gambling, depend on how much they won, or lost on it.

It comes to the reason that if they had a bad day, and they lost their shirt, the fair was not good at all, but if you win some money, well you will be as happy according as to how much money you made.

Not that life it’s a gambling casino, but if for lack of wisdom you feel a looser, well, whose fault it was?

A happy man


The great Stoic philosopher Epictetus used to say: It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it.  As you think, so you become …

Ibn Arabi the great Andalusian Sufi sheik said:

Be vigilant, God takes from you in what He gives you, He only takes from you, so you can become steadfast and so He will love you. He loves the steadfast.When He loves you, He treats you as a lover treats his beloved. It can be that the achievement of your desire is in your best interest, or it may be that your best interest lies in your desire not being achieved. He knows what it’s best for you, and what works for your best interest. if you dislike what is given to you at the moment, later you will praise Him when you see his Wisdom. God knows better and you cannot know his judgement until the end of the affair. His love of you is to look at the steadfastness which He provides you when He takes from you, the losses you may suffer in property and family, or what it makes difficult for you to leave. There is not a thing he removes from you that you may not have a replacement for it with God.

As it’s said:

“Everything you part away from, can be replaced, but if you part from God, there is no replacement.”

Prayer at the Mosque

Ultimately the responsibility of  life, it’s in our own hands, and depends solely on us, and our proper attitude we take when things do not seem to please us, but character, deeds, an attitude it’s for us to choose, and enact, later what may happen will be the result of it.

And even if it may seem life it’s unfair to us,  meanwhile there may be life left on us, we have a chance to change things, just be steadfast, and wise, on your goals and actions

Serenity, and peace do not reside outside of us, there can be places around the World with great beauty, and peace, but its not as important as serenity and peace within, so seek it in your heart first, and you will have peace of mind, regardless of your surroundings.

Serenity it can be a place

About theburningheart

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  1. Thank you for sharing this Mr Anaya. Very good and timely. In my personal experience I have been on some occasions in some of the most tranquil and amazingly peaceful and beutiful places and yet I could get no peace inside. On other occasions I found myself in much worse environments, sometimes very challenging and difficult and sometimes there in some moments I found real peace and tranquility in the chaos. I recall that when I could not find no peace in the tranquil places I felt very old and tired and when found peace in the chaos I felt young and fresh (regardless of my age). I’m not sure if there’s a message in this, but I can confess that I have on occasion seeked out chaos in my life to experience ‘peace’ … (and it usually worked for a while). Now I’m getting older and I’m working towards finding peace in tranquility. Thank you for your post, because you are absolutely right. Peace is ultimatley found within.

      • Thanks Martrina! I visited your blog and I see we are in the same club of work profession (language teaching) 😉

      • Thank you a lot for your visit in my house! I have to admit that now I only work exceptionally because of my age! I, however, read books with two groups of women. At the moment we are reading “The year of the Flood” by Margaret Atwood and with the other groups short stories by Roald Dahl in order to laugh a little bit. Best regards Martina

      • It was nice visiting! 🙂 Well, I will aim for your lifestyle when I get older (I’m on my way, but still working a lot – sometimes 14 or 15 half-hour lessons per day by Skype. Although I often dream about a time that I can just read, read, read (I have a LONG list to get through) – and Write! At the moment I have to fit it all in in-between, but everything in life has its time, I know that too, so trying to make the best of each stage.

        Best wishes,

    • theburningheart says:

      We all go through periods in our life, and to every age, of man (Childhood, young, adult, middle age, mature, and old) we go through new experiences, that affect us, as how well, or as how bad we did in the previous ones.
      But reaching an inner state of peace, it’s also a practice, of a spiritual nature, that can have many modalities, according to the Tradition(s) you approach it, and the result of a life morally well lived.
      We can have it all, but if we have no peace, our few, or many accomplishments, will be of little use, to reach the state of peace, and tranquility.

      By the way the Japanese have a phrase: Mizu no Kokoro , or Mushin.

      “Mizu no Kokoro” or the “mind like water.” This mental attitude refers to a mind that is in total harmony with the Cosmos that it resembles a still pond of water without any ripples where the surface reflects a clear and perfectly undistorted image of the surroundings, like a mirror.

      Mushin cannot be grasped by the intellect, it must be experienced, even if in turmoil, or chaos as you described.

      Thank you for your comment Jean-Jacques. 🙂

      • Thank for your reflection and message, in particular about the Japanese attitude mindfulness. Sometimes I think we in the Western world (in general) are centuries behind the East when it comes to inner knowledge and practice. Fortunately we can also benefit from their wisdoms if we choose to explore them. Wishing you a good weekend! 🙂

      • theburningheart says:

        Well not as bad as like Rudyard Kipling ballad of East and West:

        “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”

        Although to be fair on Kipling day, globalization was not even dreamed, today we are all over the place, and on my early youth discovered Yoga, Meditation, and later on I even study for some years under a Soto Zen monk, and Martial Arts teacher, and never have set my feet on India, or Japan.

        Look at yourself with your trips to Mezzo America, and South America and your knowledge about the Maya Calendars, in my view a lot of progress has being made.

        Sorry for my lateness to answer, in fact over the weekend I had old friends visiting me, and had very little time to do anything but to host them, and I am really back up, trying to catch up.

        Thank you for your comment Jean-Jacques. 🙂

  2. macalder02 says:

    El tema desarrollado tiene cien por ciento de certeza. El sentido de la vida está en muestras manos. Nuestras acciones determinarán si rumbo.
    Ahora bien, la paz interior lo vamos a lograr si dejamos de anticipar constantemente el mañana. Solo tenemos que vivir el presente de la mejor manera.
    Realmente tu escrito mueve a una reflexión profunda de la vida que llevamos.
    Un abrazo grande y que estés bien
    Manuel Angel


  3. As I am now in the early 60s, I came to the conclusion that the past is not important, it is however a part of present times so getting aware of all those left stations of life means a good schedule for the future as well. In August I have changed my former blog to a personal website limited to 20 posts; actually there are 19 posts online which reflect the most important things in my life. The last outstanding post actually reserved for my forthcoming marriage in late October, I am still open for more and other adventures. Cheers 🙂 Ulli

    • theburningheart says:

      Well, it sounds wonderful, and wish you the best Ulli in your forthcoming new adventures, including your new marriage.
      Thank you for letting us know, congratulations. 🙂

  4. Thank you very much for this most beautiful post. I have however some doubts,whether it really makes us stronger, if very important things are taken from us or, if this cannot also destroy is us.
    Best regards Martina

    • theburningheart says:

      Well, we see many people destroyed by loss, it’s true, but we also have the Example of the steadfastness of Job as a symbolic ideal to follow, and it’s also true many great people have overcome misfortune, and loss, and we see as an example of character.

      And as I mention Epictetus was a living example, maybe you will like to read his Enchiridion  a short manual of Stoic ethical advice, I find it very good, clear and enjoyable.

      Just by synchronicity I got this right now:

      Peace of Mind in a Moment of Catastrophic Thoughts

      Greetings to you Martina, and thank you for being in touch. 🙂

      • I really appreciate your advice and thank you very much:) I have taken note of Enchiridion and will order it as soon as possible and the thoughts of dr. Stein are like balsam for my heart. I want, however, to finish “The year of the Flood” by Margaret Atwood, which I am reading with a group of friends first. In this book one gets the impression that the human being has become so knowledgable that he doesn’t need a deity to destroy everything, he can do it by himself and his stupidity!!
        I wish you a very good time and send you my best regards Martina

      • theburningheart says:

        Sorry for my lateness, I was busy all weekend with visitors, and little time left to be online.

        I am glad you have the Enchiridion of Epictetus, on your reading list, a wonderful book.

        Best wishes to you Martina. 🙂

      • Don‘t worry be happy!! I have the said book already😀Enjoy yourself and best regards Martina

  5. equipsblog says:

    Great wisdom in this post. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Don Ostertag says:

    Wonderful, thought provoking post. I’m 82 with a lot of memories, both good and bad. What did I accomplish? I see how my children and my grandchildren turned out and bask in the glow of what my wife and I accomplished.

    • theburningheart says:

      Life it’s a mix barrel, we all suffer in it, but also we can find many things to be thankful for, as who our parents were, and how much we owe to them, unfortunately not all we can say the same thing, your children, and grandchildren surely enjoy, and bask on the fortune of having you, and your wife as the root of their life.
      Thank you Don for your comment. 🙂

  7. Ah…the ultimate goal — to be in total harmony with the cosmos while working diligently towards a better world for others. I’m grateful that I’ve learned many lessons along the journey so far.

    • theburningheart says:

      That’s the proper attitude, I am glad for you, however remember the path it’s long…
      Thank you for sharing your comment, we appreciate it. 🙂

  8. selizabryangmailcom says:

    Thank you for your powerful words, uplifting and inspiring as always.
    That first photo you found up there with the figure standing in the immense blue shallows with the trees shadowing the water struck me like a blow almost; something familiar, a memory…. I don’t know. Strange. But so very very beautiful……

    • theburningheart says:

      Thank you we appreciate your words.
      About the picture, most of us resonate with clear, peaceful waters, it give us a sense of peace, and purity, if you notice the Bible is full of citations about clear, and peaceful waters, associations of a spiritual nature are common, and the reason it resonate within us, we seek clean and pure water for drinking, and bathing, as oppose to dark, turbulent , and stormy waters. 🙂

  9. Raj says:

    That’s fascinating

  10. equinoxio21 says:

    Peace is a good goal right now… 🙏🏻

    • theburningheart says:

      For all the turmoil of what’s going on around the World, it seems today we really need a peace break, from worries, about an uncertain future, regardless if some will say there is turmoil all the time.
      Thank you for your comment. 🙂

  11. This post really resonates with me.
    It’s interesting I hadn’t read it yet, but published some kind of similar ideas how I reminisce about the past. Canada celebrates Thanksgiving, so, I was off today.
    I hope you’re fine and safe!

    • theburningheart says:

      Well, so far I am fine, and have weathered successfully the tiresome pandemic quarantine, although I know some friends who have contracted the virus, but survived the sickness.

      Happy celebrations to you Inese. 🙂

  12. Ben Naga says:

    Peace be with you.

  13. cheriewhite says:

    Such a beautiful post! Well-written words of wisdom. I had a lot of drama in my life when I was young and now that I’m knocking on the door of fifty, my goal is to enjoy what years I have left in keep away people who bring drama. My other goals are to take life as it comes and live in the moment. Thank you so much for this post. 🙂

    • theburningheart says:

      I am glad you are to the point in life when you have achieved at least a sense we can do without the drama, and focus on reaching peace, and enjoyment.

      We also like to thank you Cherie, for letting us know you found this post to your liking. 🙂

  14. Hi. Greetings from the USA. How are you? “Serenity and peace within”: Yes, that’s absolutely a major goal, and a key to a good life. They are not easy to attain, but we should always try. Neil Scheinin

    • theburningheart says:

      Well, yes serenity and peace, are hard to attain, but we can have a practice to increase our levels, and we also can correct our attitude, and that helps too.
      I am fine, thank you for asking, hope you are as well.
      Best wishes to you and your family Neil. 🙂

  15. J.D. Riso says:

    Luminous words, once again. Crossing the threshold of middle age has brought me many insights. I have much more gratitude than regret. I’ve observed many others sink into bitterness as they lament the passing of the “good years”. As you state so eloquently: how we experience aging is a choice. Hope you are well, kind sir.

    • theburningheart says:

      Thank you for your great comment Julie, Dante open his Divine Comedy on his first book Inferno (Hell) with the words:

      “In the middle of the journey of our life

      I found myself astray in a dark wood

      where the straight road had been lost…”

      Well, I will add we are lost the moment we arrive into life, maybe at middle age we start realizing we have been lost since then, and it’s time to find our way back, to peace, and happiness by accepting who we are, and making the best of it, with whatever our lot is, regardless.

      Thank you for your comment we appreciate it, and a big hug to you. 🙂

  16. Geri Lawhon says:

    If you have peace, you have a lot. Great post.

  17. Beautiful words and photos

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