Rumors Of Wars

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Mathew 24: 6-8

Well, I apologize, in advance some of you may know my proclivity to look at things from different, and to some weird angles, as a child I grew up as a nice catholic educated boy, at school, not to mean that at my final years was not quite a cynic. Given at the time to read a lot about wars, specially WWII

In fact even if I do not read war’s books in many years, I read enough to last me for a lifetime, and understand that there’s nothing nice, or heroic about wars, and that to argue about such things it’s futile, and not conducing to anything, and what’s more you end antagonizing those who like to argue about the righteousness, of such country over the other, one when there’s such a malady as a new war.

Russia Ukraine War Day In Photos

And here we are again.. By the way, there’s not a place at our wide Earth, that someone is not at war with someone else, the difference is that depending where that war is taking place, most people do not care much about it, and therefore its not much talked, I guess that’s the Human nature, to dispute, and come to resolve the matter by violence, of some kind, be this lethal, or not.

Military Cemetery

For many years before retired, on my way to work I will pass in front of a military cemetery going, and coming back from work, to the point I will not even pay attention anymore, but once in a while will reflect when  seeing flags, or flowers someone dear father, brother, husband, or son was buried there, and someone come and pay they respect, and maybe even still have pain, and tears, on their memories of loss.

Now no, I do not care for wars, or their righteousness, or lack of it, if anything I reflect in the fact someone must be crying for the loss of a beloved one, somewhere around this vast world, and that made me sad, very sad, wars always bring suffering to many…


About theburningheart

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  1. macalder02 says:

    Las guerras, que han asolado a la humanidad, han dejado un reguero de muertes y a pesar del sufrimiento que representan, parece que no aprendemos la lección y continuamos en lo mismo a través de todos estos años, en menores escalas, hasta llegar a la de Rusia-Ucrania. Pero no olvidemos que hay países que han librado en sus territorios, sus propias guerras. Mi ejemplo va en mi país: Perú. Desde 1969 hasta el 1992, el grupo terrorista, Sendero Luminoso, libro una cruenta guerra contra el Estado, dejando una cifra de mas 40,000 muertes donde la gran mayoría fueron civiles. Ya veremos más adelante cuántas muertes van englosar las estadísticas de estas confrontaciones. Un gran abrazo. Espero que tengas un buen domingo.

    • theburningheart says:

      Bueno ahora esa guerra es la que esta de moda, la realidad es que existen segun Wikipedia 40 conflictos alrededor del mundo, aqui en mi pais tenemos una llamada guerra contral el Narcotrafico que ha causado cientos de miles de muertos, recuerdo que yo no tenia 16 años de edad y esa guerra ya existia, y todavia sigue y que cobra mas de 100,000 muertos y 25,000 desaparecidos al año y que le llaman la Guerra Mexicana de el Narcotrafico, que en realidad deberia ser llamada la guerra de los USA contra Mexico, ya que en Mexico solo se produce la droga, pero los verdaderos dirigentes sin decir nombres y los que se enbolsan el dinero, es uan mafia que se encuentran dentro en un lugar al Norte de Mexico y con probalbe conexión a gente en altos puestos de ese pais y te lo dejo a tu discrecion, e imaginacion.

      • macalder02 says:

        Las noticias traen esa realidad y sabido es lo que se mueve entre bambalinas donde la imaginación deduce a los verdaderos culpables de que esta guerra exista. Un gran abrazo.

  2. I am afraid, Brogido, that we will have wars as long as the human being has not been vanished from the planet earth! Thank you very much for your eye-opener! I wish you a very good Easter Holiday_)

    • theburningheart says:

      Yes, war has existed since the first son of Adam, killed his brother, in the Biblical allegory of Genesis. therefore will have it until the end as well, when a child, and a young man read a lot of books about war, until I realized the barbarity, and criminal nature of war.

      Thanks Martina, I did have a nice Easter weekend, hope a lovely week ahead of you. 😊

  3. I also do not care for wars and their righteousness. A 70-year-old mother in Kyiv brought me to tears today on reading her account of searching for her missing son, learning of his death in Bucha, and her struggle to obtain his body for burial.

    • theburningheart says:

      Yes, I agree, war its very sad, it kills people, innocent, or not, and a waste of life, plus the great pain that inflicts on the living.
      Thank you Rosaliene for your comment.

  4. Dalo 2013 says:

    This is so beautifully expressed, written, and carries the thoughts of everyone I know… an incredible piece of writing and the naked, ugly, truth of war. One of the more poignant passages you wrote was “but once in a while will reflect when seeing flags, or flowers someone dear father, brother, husband, or son was buried there, and someone come and pay they respect, and maybe even still have pain, and tears, on their memories of loss.” Well done, wish you a good week ahead.

    • theburningheart says:

      Thank you, for your response, and I may add, during my daily commute to work for over sixteen years, I saw during many occasions people visiting the graves mourning, and leaving flowers, to their beloveds, and I could not but think, and be sorry, on their loss.

  5. selizabryangmailcom says:

    Thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts.
    Uggghhh. One of the worst things about wars is when the world doesn’t want or need anything from whomever’s at war, that’s when we’re not interested. The callousness is almost worse than war itself.

    • theburningheart says:

      Well, what can I say? War it’s always a calamity fallen on the many that suffered, specially since most of the time, the people has nothing to do with what politicians seek to gain in a war, but that has being the story of Mankind.
      Thank you for your comment

  6. Superduque says:

    And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.
    Matthew 24:6

  7. Priti says:

    Yes very right war doesn’t bring anything despite of destroy and sufferings . Well shared.👍👌

  8. Thank you for this reflection. It is unfortunate that humans have not evolved yet beyond a level where they can turn away from war for the sake of preserving other humans – simpy on the basis of compassion; not wanting to harm another.

    Worse than that, most of the wars of this century have been driven by greed and competition over reources. Often these wars are promoted by calling them ‘just’ – for bringing ‘democracy’ or ‘freedom’, but in all cases after the wars nobody cares what happens there and in almost all cases it’s always worse.

    Of course we find the majority of people in most cases support the ‘moral’ necessity to intervene and they will have very strong convictions; then afterwards when it becomes evident that in actuality they supported the ‘bad guys; they will never admit to that and then don’t want to talk about it anymore. “Let’s change the subject” they will say.

    This is level of moral development of most people. The morality of the individual reflects the consensus-morality of the society – and that is often decided by politicians. It’s quite sad in a sense, because all humans seem to have this need for having a moral superiority – to feel that that they are inherently moral (more than others) – but they do not develop this morality authentically. Yet, they demand to enforce their moral superioirity by blaming and accusing others very selectively while not looking at themselves. This is what Carl Jung call “projection” …

    Well, I’ll stop there – because as you can see I have a lot of thoughts about this subject – probably because I have experienced that myself; in some places some people are always the “bad guys’ no matter how much good they do 😉 . Ah well, that’s life they say – no need to cry about it 🙂 .

    Well, now there’s this situation in Europe. Let’s hope and ptay that rational minds prevail. There are bad guys on all sides – if people can face that, perhaps they will see that peace right now is the only answer – for the sake of humanity!

    Thank you Mr Anaya and I wish you a good weekend.


  9. theburningheart says:

    My opinion is that the World is still in the throes of a New Age of Light, and as it is reasonable to think, change does not happen in a day, this will take years, so that men can educate themselves, change and accept a new way of living.
    Not an easy thing, where effort is required, if not everyone’s, although we know that the world will be saved by the few and not by everyone.
    That is why the few of us must keep the Faith high and be an example for the many.
    In addition to not waiting for others to change, but to change ourselves.
    To serve as an example to others.But do not be discouraged, all this takes time, perhaps in our lifetime we will not see it, but other generations will see it, with their own eyes, but we can, see the few positive things, more than the general evil, and concentrate our personal efforts there.

    So keep the Faith, and Hope, rise every day with a smile, and positive thoughts fro the day, a Spiritual personal practice helps, we ourselves have to be the first to change.

    Wishing you the best on your Spiritual Path, as brothers in Spirit for a better World and the comming of a New Age of Light. Keep your head high looking at the heavens, but you feet firmly on the ground,
    As a personal Teacher of mine reminded me, Jean-Jacques.

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