Education A  Job That Never Grows OLd

Plato treats the subject of education in The Republic as an integral and vital part of a wider subject of the well-being of human society. The ultimate aim of education is to help people know the Idea of the Good, which is to be virtuous.

“A library of wisdom, is more precious than all wealth, and all things that are desirable cannot be compared to it. Whoever therefore claims to be zealous of truth, of happiness, of wisdom or knowledge, must become a lover of books.”

“Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” “The measure of a man is what he does with power.” “The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life”. “Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.”

Quotes attributed to Plato.

Socrates Giving His Farewell Speech Before Drinking Hemlock

Who said  teaching was ever easy?

Socrates paid with his life for the crime of teaching his fellow Athenians.

The importance of a good education its never lost for most parents, its convincing the children the problem.

Yes I know, today getting an education can cost a fortune, and not every parent can send his children to a good school, but I am sure every conscious parent will do his best to give their child the best they can.

Reflections On The Hardships Of Teaching.

Well, what can we say, simply put to be a good teacher it takes many sacrifices, and love, yes you got to love teaching, otherwise you are not just wasting your time but worst, endangering the education of those who you teach.

If you may want to make money, being a teacher its probably not for you, only a few very specialized teachers may do that, and not necessarily will be the one you remember as a great inspiration for you, to try to achieve something in life, you may find those very early on your education.

Yes, that wonderful teacher who inspired you to really start reading, or be conscious about the neatness of your homework, or simply made the class not boring, and inspired you to find more about it on your own time.

Yes every teacher has to deal with nightmare students, its bad enough when you have two, or three, bad apples, at the classroom but sometimes its ridiculous!

Nightmare Class

Teaching Begins At Home

Usually bad discipline at home translate as bad behavior at school, if the parents are responsible, and dedicated parents, the child will be well behaved at the classroom.

Yes unfortunately bad behavior at school, doesn’t mean the school its lousy, but that you are not doing the proper thing with your children at home.

You will be surprised, at how many 21 year old youngsters  behave worst than a child of seven, and its simply because they did not have at home any discipline whatsoever, very likely the parents were not taught either, or criminally abandoned their responsibility, and let children to themselves, or the result of broken homes, where the responsible parent spent most time at work, and children grew on their own.

Behavior its learned at home, period.

Lack of Discipline at Home reflects on Class

How do I know that?

Well, currently I am privately tutoring a 21 year old youngster, who mentally its at twelve at most!

He cannot do homework, its always  late, he wants to change the class at his convenience, day, or hours, and place, regardless what we agree before, he questions me at every turn, like if what I am teaching its not true, he always knows better in an argument, about things he does not know anything, practically I have to force him to read a page on his phone, about what I am trying to teach him, so he realize I am not talking gibberish, or making it up, that by the way, take him a long time since he reads but very slowly, his phone its not a tool for research, but for entertainment, often bring next time a book on the subject we were arguing, and then he wants for me to give him the book for free!

Once I loaned a book for him to make a copy, he didn’t, he had a week to do it, and have to ask him several times for it, until his mother promise me she would return it to me, she did.

I mean the youngster its not stupid, bad, or mentally impaired, he is smart, he is just terribly childish.

Only child, parents divorced, mother works daily away from home, the youngster cannot keep a job, can you wonder why?

He may be 21, but he has not gain on maturity, period.


Being a teacher its not easy.

But it can be summed up on a brief list:

Disruptive environment, or simply put students discipline problems.

The rules of teaching are constantly changing. In some aspects, this is good while occasionally it may also be bad. Teaching is not immune to fads.

Great teachers invest a tremendous amount of time outside of the time spent with their students. They understand that all these things have a significant impact on student learning. However, teachers must commit to stepping away from their teaching responsibilities from time to time so that their personal life does not suffer in some aspect.


Students are not the same, they are at different levels, and some require more time and effort than others, in a crowded classroom, well it will be difficult to say the least.

Lack of funding, reflects on overcrowded classrooms, lacks of qualified teachers, books, materials, lack of time for personal attention and many other maladies, that unfortunately reflects also on the quality of the education for the absence of money.

And of course Parental involvement, or the lack of it.

Parents Oblivious To Their Children Needs

About theburningheart

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  1. Don Ostertag says:

    What you are doing is a wonderful thing, a work only a few could or would do. Teachers are our only hope for us to make the world better than what we were born into.

    • theburningheart says:

      Its a hard job, I admit, but a very rewarding one, when you finally see the light of understanding, on the eyes, and face of someone you are having a particular hard time to make him realize something, through many explanations, that they were not getting, before.
      Thank you Don for your reply. 🙂

  2. sherazade says:

    Sono in linea di massima molto d’accordo sui tuoi argomenti. Tuttavia…
    Come figlia di genitori divorziati con una mamma che ha avuto 3 mariti non mi sento assolutamente disadattata. Ho studiato. Ho un ottimo lavoro molto impegnativo. Mia madre non c’ è più e mi manca ogni giorno.
    Sono divorziata da molti anni. Mio figlio ne ha 30, laureato a pieni voti in fisica.
    Certo è stato faticoso. Ma quello che conta è davvero la qualità è l’esempio. Che quotidianamente si dà ai propri figli. Non è certo questione destabilizzante il divorzio dei genitori.
    Scusa la mia lunghezza.

    Ps. Le scuole italiane Sono tra le migliori.
    La lettura è anche quella una questione di esempio in famiglia : ottime le citazioni di Cicerone.

    • theburningheart says:

      Being a troubled child is common between divorced parents, however it’s not a rule.
      As in your case you have proven, also know friends who were fortunate, to come undamaged, even if I cannot say the same, from some of my own children who grew away from me because, separation, thing that today makes me sad, not be able to do much about it now, since they are adults on their own, and living far.
      Thank you for your comment Sherazade. 🙂

      • sherazade says:

        Devo purtroppo ammettere che per i padri divorziati spesso il problema diventa la lontananza.
        Genitori divorziati dovrebbero ricordarsi di essere soprattutto responsabile dei sentimenti e dell’equilibrio psicologico dei propri figli.
        Sono triste con te. La vita è fatta di troppe variabili.
        All the best Shera

  3. Yep, super important and needed!

  4. Education is probably the ultimate form of “delayed gratification”. Think about that in the context of an entire generation who’ve been able to find everything from a quick answer to immediate (if mind-numbing) entertainment on a “smart” phone, and…

    If there’s any life skill that I most appreciate having been taught by my parents, it was an internalized sense of self-discipline in those long intervals of delay. Observing others, I’ve come to the conclusion that not having that ability to commit to grinding through things when they’re not immediately rewarding is a terrible handicap in life. And I don’t how one gets another to understand that when it’s never been experienced earlier in life.

    Maybe the broader take away from the Buddhist ideas of “khanti” and “viriya” — patience, endurance and diligence in worthwhile tasks.

    • theburningheart says:

      Thank you for your great comment, and apologize for my lateness to respond, but since I posted this piece, it seems I have been flooded by all kind of stuff, that pull me away from taking care of my blog, has not being an easy week, just right now I am able to answer you.
      its at home were we acquire our first, and principal education, going to school its almost a byproduct, from our education at home, of course there are exceptions, but something extraordinary has to happen for an individual who lacks a proper education at home, so he/she can make something for him/herself, and rise from mediocrity, or worst.

      Thank you for your great comment. 🙂

  5. leggypeggy says:

    An excellent post. Thank you.

  6. I appreciated your frank assessment and the window you give us into the task involved in educating today’s youth, which must be much more exasperating than ever before, Mr Anaya. Thank you for sharing this experience with us. As an (online) adult language educator my task is somewhat easier as most of my students are over 30, but I get the feeling that maturity and everything that goes with it is arriving later and later – and I think too much exposure to mobile devices has a lot to do with it – it is also causing parents to pay less attention to their children and to spend less time with them. Maybe we should count ourselves lucky that we grew up and went to school without all these electronic interferences and distractions and so our brains developed more or less normally…. but I agree with you that ultimately parents are responsible – as hard as it is for them to cope, they are still responsible.

    • theburningheart says:

      I guess every age finds out as the poet said:
      “That time past were always better.”
      Children get their education by example, and if the parents, are a poor example, or absent, well the children learn from whoever!
      Even from the games they play all day in their portable phone devices.
      Yes, and then imagine when themselves become parents?
      Maybe we are lucky to be old! 🙂

      • Yes, but I remember when I was young I was also very ignorant in some way and in fact I was a very bad student… ;D Maybe some of my teachers were not very polite about me when they reported on me – and here I am today, being a critical teacher…
        (Life is full of irony 🙂 )

      • theburningheart says:

        As the saying goes:
        “Youthfulness its a sickness that its cured by age.”

        And something I got to keep in mind when dealing with this youth, that I am tutoring, yesterday he was terrible!

        Calling an idiot to one of the greatest scholars of a particular subject, just because he was not in accordance with something he said, on the subject, which he doesn’t know anything!
        I tried to explain him the reasons this scholar had to say that, he just wouldn’t listen. He knows better! 🙂

      • It sounds like he’s a really tough case. When I was at school it was impossible to be so arrogant to a tutor or teacher, because it was quite a conservative society and we still got the cane… and our parents would punish us quite hard too. We live in a different world now where discipline is basically nin-existent and here we have the results LIVE in the classrooms. Maybe one day we will return to the old ways, but I’m not sure it will be in my lifetime.
        Good luck with the young man, Mr Anaya!! Perhaps he will turn out allright one day because he will remember your efforts with him 🙂

      • theburningheart says:

        Yes, I grew up like that too, you were punished physically for the slightest offense, I am not advocating it, but it surely put the fear on us.
        As I mentioned the youngster its not a bad person, just he doesn’t understand boundaries, and has no respect for age and experience, not to talk about knowledge, which he possess very little, however he is so opinionated, with nothing to support his arguments, but a belief that things are as he see them, despite its lack of studies.
        I have tried with little success for him to read, other views, but he get upset, when those views contradict his believes.
        My hope its that eventually it will dawn on him, that belief its not substitute for knowledge. 🙂

  7. Good evening, thank you very much for your what you tell us about education! When I travelled in Usbekistan I distributed pens to children and they appreciated them so much that they gave me their few flowers they had. Here, where children really have a very good schooling situation, I sometimes have the feeling that they do not appreciate their lucky situation enough!
    Have a good week and best regards Martina

    • theburningheart says:

      We like to say that we never appreciate what we have, until we see it lost.
      I guess that is the Human condition, taking for granted the good things we have, even worst, not like them enough.
      But of course it all come to the bottom line, our ignorance, and suffering because our lost, that make us appreciate it, and be consciousness enough, to never take it for granted.

      Thank you Martina, sorry for my lateness responding, very busy with life, and other matters beside my blog. 🙂

  8. selizabryangmailcom says:

    Teaching is such an important occupation, whether long or short-term, and to have a mind or minds not open to very much of what’s being said must be extremely frustrating. But kudos to you and your efforts. Someone once said recently that millennials only have a few seconds of attention span, so that’s the time one has to grab them and sell them something–a few seconds. They weren’t concerned that this was true and/or how to fix it and/or how much worse this “lack of attention” might get in coming years. They weren’t trying to stop it it any way. They were just giving advice on how to reel youngsters in quickly and efficiently in order to sell their crap to them!
    With that kind of outlook……what hope is there, I wonder?! They don’t even care. They’re just enabling the behavior.

    • theburningheart says:

      Tell me about the lack of attention!
      I got to confess, my teaching before was to adults, who some if they did knew little, showed respect, and attention, this youngster, its a total new experience to me, and if all are like him God save us!
      Sorry for my lateness, busy with life away from my blog.

      Thank you fro your comment Stacey. 🙂

  9. Leyla says:

    Great and Interesting post!

  10. equinoxio21 says:

    Sad but true… I know of full grown adults who still have a 7 year-old mentality. One is actually living on Pennsylvania Avenue… 🙂
    Thanks for the post.

  11. You’re right – it’s definitely not easy. But it is very rewarding. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

  12. macalder02 says:

    Yo formé parte de una familia de 10 hermanos. Nuestros padres trataron en todo momento de hacernos entender que la educación era primordial para triunfar en la vida. Era otra época con respecto a la de ahora (tengo 72 años) en materia de enseñanza. Por lo menos a mi, lo de la “letra con sangra entra” no afectó mi vida. Seis hermanos logramos un título universitario siendo mi padre un Contador. Ellos tenían claro que la meta era llegar a eso y lo lograron. Así que todo radica en la actitud que tomen los padres para inculcar en sus hijos la importancia que reviste tomar en serio los estudios. La exposición en tu artículo es de lo más interesante y esclarecedor sobre esta materia. Disfruté la lectura y logré adquirir más conocimientos. eso es esencial. Saludos.

    • theburningheart says:

      Asi es Manuel, los tiempos cambiaran, pero lo unico que no cambia, es que, el que no estudia y se educa, no aprende. La ignorancia se convierte en un lastre, mismo que impide, el progreso y la mayor parte de las veces, la prosperidad.

      Y lo que es peor, pobreza de ventanas para comprender tantas cosas y materias, que al ignorante le pasan desapercividas.
      Sobre todo en estos tiempos que el Conocimiento avanza a pasos agigantados, y las Ciencias enriquecidas por ello, no esperan por aquellos que no se educan, ni se ponen al tanto.
      En buen hora por tu padre que fue conciente!

      That’s right, Manuel, times will change, but the only thing that doesn’t change is that, the one who doesn’t study and educates doesn’t learn.
      Ignorance becomes a burden, which prevents progress and, most of the time, prosperity.

      And what is worse, poverty of windows to look at other dimensions, to understand so many things and matters, that the ignorant pass unnoticed.
      Especially in these times that Knowledge advances by leaps and bounds, and the Sciences enriched by it, do not wait for those who do not educate, nor become aware.

      Good for your father who was conscious.
      And thanks for telling us, un abrazo! 🙂

  13. I can only wholeheartedly agree with you. They day I stop learning, that’s the day I might just as well lay my body down for good.

    • theburningheart says:

      Yes, Otto, life its for learning, since the first breath as a newborn, as to the last one!

      Thank you for your comment, we appreciate it. 🙂

  14. ladyp25 says:

    Well said. Teaching is commitment.
    Thanks for sharing such insightful post.

  15. Knowledge isn’t a destination, it is a life long journey.

    Nice article.

    We are all Ignorant and That is Okay- Wise Words from Socrates

  16. theburningheart says:

    Totally agree. 🙂

  17. I agree with the teaching begins at home, I wish there was more emphasis on teacher and parent working as a team!! Thanks for writing this.

  18. says:

    I really enjoyed this post – it’s true that one’s learning should never end, and one can’t have proper education without true humility.

    Thanks for sharing.

  19. Noor says:

    What do you have to say about those who struggle so much to succeed but continuously fail. Some of them who don’t strive to attain materialistic things but the wisdom of life through education. Yet, they are not seen or seeked for. How can somebody, as a teacher, help him/her succeed in life?

    • theburningheart says:

      I suppose the main thing is to be satisfied with what you do, regardless of what you do.

      Measuring your success by any other standard is not fair, or relevant to the particular individual, unless you are dissatisfied with your situation and want recognition from people.
      In that case, even working hard, it may not be that the desired results are obtained and therefore a problem of your particular fate.
      Hamlet dilemma: “To be, or not to be: that is the question.”
      And even taken arms against them, may not grant the success desired.

      As a teacher you can only provide the tools, through proper education, but what may happen depends on other factors unforeseeable to the teacher, or the seeker in question.

  20. usfman says:

    I commend you for avoiding the “herd” mentality that applies to many teachers and seeing each student with unique needs and talents. I learned this more humanistic philosophy the hard ways with 28 years of teaching mostly in inner city environs.

  21. Kally says:

    This is so beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for a well written piece.

  22. Herman says:

    Hi there. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!

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